Kodak Ektachrome - Reborn

Kodak Ektachrome 100

With recent talk that Fujifilm are discontinuing their remaining slide film stocks in 35mm format, it's exciting to hear that as of the end of this year, Kodak are bringing back Ektachrome 100!

Unfortunately in 2012 Ektachrome was discontinued due to slow sales. 

In its heyday however,  Kodak Ektachrome was known for its vivid colours and extremely fine grain and was often used in situations where Kodachrome was considered too slow.

If you've ever read old issues of National Geographic, you've seen Ektachrome! It has a very distinctive look and we're excited to finally have it back (almost)

Kodak Ektachrome will be available in Super 8 format and 35mm format towards the end of the year, and we're hoping 120 format will come in the future if demand is sufficient!

Kodak is proud to announce the return of one of the most iconic film stocks of all time. Kodak Ektachrome. #EktachromeIsBack