One Roll - Fujifilm Acros 100

I’ll admit something. I’m a lazy shooter. I rarely shoot C-41 anymore because I like processing simply and quick at home, and because of this, Fujifilm Acros really lends itself to how I shoot.

I also predominantly shoot events such as weddings and small corporate jobs to make ends meet, so taking a camera that limits me to 36 exposures when I go out for my day means I am never expected to quickly take out my camera to do small odd jobs for friends and family… As I said I am a very lazy person.

I stumbled into black and white a few years back when I started doing my own home developing. I then went through the list of traditional B&W films available to the current market and some that were harder to find.

I started with Tri-X and T-Max and then made my way through Ilford’s line up as well as APX by Agfa before trying my first roll of Acros 100.

I haven't shot another roll of black and white since, shooting exclusively with Acros for my 35mm needs for the last year.

Personally, the reason I love Acros is because it very closely matches how I am publishing my digital work, but the film stock is so much closer to what I wish I could provide my clients.

The 35mm & 120 stock is clean, but still retains its beautiful film aesthetic whilst keeping a real punch in its contrast and provides another dimension to each image I find hard to replicate in digital editing.

So who is Acros 100 for?

Being a 100 speed film, it's a film that you need ample light for. A lot of my work I find myself working at faster apertures so this is ideal for me.

This film is also for anyone who is looking for the maximum sharpness and punch you can get out 35mm or 120 stock.


Thanks to Will Anlezark for providing this review and photos

Will Anlezark is a photographer and cinematographer from the Central Cost. His main work encompasses skate culture, travel, band photography and weddings.

Check out his work at 
or on instagram @

Peter Davison